Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Self (InToMeISee)

Who we are on the inside has a reflection of who and what we are on the outside. We must be mindful of who we are as individuals so we can know how to deal with those around us. How we view ourselves internally has an impact on our day to day interactions in our personal relationships. Sometimes we treat ourselves so negatively and wonder why we can't be good to those around us. Not knowing that it starts with us first. Before you try to be good to anyone else around you, be of a great person to yourself first. I'm a firm believer in "do unto others as you would want others to do unto you." The best principle to live by is self-evaluation. The behaviors we practice with other people sometimes need to be self-evaluated. Sometimes it's not what we do that may be negative or bad, but how we handle it will determine both the type of person we are and the heart we have.  Let's discover the type of people we are, and work on our heart towards how we deal with others.

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