Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Becoming What You Try to Avoid

Image result for point 1 finger 3 pointing back

Are you the type of person to point out what you don’t like about someone else before taking a look into the mirror? Ever heard the saying, “point one finger at someone else, three point back?” I believe it is both safe and easy to observe the things we dislike about others. Yet we have a hard time trying to take a look at ourselves to see the part that we play. Sometimes we become too self-absorbed making sure a person knows our likes and dislikes. By doing this, we take the focus off being able to take a look at ourselves to see how we attracted that energy. We attract either who we currently are or who we used to be. The more we try to avoid the qualities or dysfunction, the more we open ourselves up to becoming that very thing we said we disliked. Once we develop a mind to become aware of the qualities and triggers of what we don’t like, it can help us pay attention to when we may develop these traits. By becoming aware, we will know how to deal with ourselves and change these things. The best remedy to aid becoming what we don’t like is sometimes remaining silent. Silence is golden. In my recent development as a 24-year-old, I have learned the essence of silence. I no longer feel a need or yearning to get a point across to a person. If that person knows how I feel, and whether or not I was affected, that’s all that matters. The older you become, the more aware you are of your self-development. Sometimes is not the relationships we form, but why and how these relationships form.

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