Wednesday, July 25, 2018

I Shine, You Shine, We Shine

In society, I find that we fall victim to comparing ourselves to those around us. We question why a person may be receiving a blessing and why we can't be in that exact same position. We are all unique in so many different ways. Each and every one of us has a unique blueprint for what God has planned for us to accomplish. We have to enjoy the positions we are always placed in, even if they are good, bad, ugly, or indifferent. Being able to enjoy every moment is how you manifest positivity to occur in your life. If you can't be at peace when you're going through the bad things too, you close off yourself from the universe to experience anything good. We are only in competition with ourselves, and having a sound mind to make a decision to do whatever it is you would like to do, conspires universe to make it happen. We can look at ourselves as the moon and someone opposite of us as the sun. When we look at the paradox, there is no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shie when it is their time. So comparing your life to others is something we shouldn't be doing. We should be beacons of light waiting on our moments to shine.

Thursday, July 5, 2018


What’s the first thing we do when we meet someone for the first time? We make sure that person knows us or who we are. But when do we hold ourselves accountable for how people may treat us, based off of what and who we said we were at our initial interaction? I believe it is difficult to try to digest who and what we are while we are still growing. We can learn things about ourselves during a season, however, we can’t deem that to be who and what we are as a end result. Why? Well because we are like onions layers full of curiosity, things dormant, and things that we don’t even know exist about ourselves. As we embark upon this journey we call life, I feel that each year or season we grow older, we discover a new layer of ourselves. That’s why it’s okay to outgrow people or circumstances. I don’t feel we should be hard on people for the things that they do. Hold them accountable, but don’t feel that because they’ve done what they have done, they go down in character because their value doesn’t match our own. These situations can be seen as growing pains; simply because of the pain that may come from growing at different speeds and times. 


  Let’s delve into the breakdown of the word way. When we look at how the word is used in context we can use the word as a noun or adverb. F...

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