Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Communication Block

"Is anyone there?"
"Can anyone hear me?"
Communication Block
"Are you even listening?" 
"Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself"
"Maybe I am talking to myself"
Communication Block 
I mean I have been for months.
What is a communication block to someone who's used to getting out their words?
Social Inhibition.
"Is it the lack of conformity to standard lines of communication that bothers you?"
"What if I told you the best way, someone 
could express themselves is from the bleeding ink of a pen and simplicity of paper?"
"What if I told you I was that someone?"
Coasting for months
Hoping that it'll come back to me
Communication Block 
3 months and 12 days my mind put in overtime 
Emotions Array
Sleepless Nights 
Communication Block
Emotions Internalized 
"This isn't my home"
"How long has it been? 103 days of feeling alone."
Communication Block 
103 days?
Does that make me incompetent?
Maybe just uninspired 
Communication Block 
A block to a greater beginning 
To learn that it's me who hasn't been living 
Forgiving to live 
Live to be free
Harvest Seeds
Water them to flow 
Gardens will grow 
Image result for writer's block

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