Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Plant a Seed & Watch it Grow

Merriam Webster defines growth as "progressive development." I think as humans sometimes when we think of growth we envision it as being something that you have to visually see. When to be honest growth is something that should be progressive even if there are no immediate results. When growth takes place many of us may not view it as being uncomfortable.  As you read this, take a look at your life every day and see the uncomfortable circumstances you may be placed in. These uncomfortable circumstances daily prepare us for something that is much greater even if we can't see it just yet. Think of growth as ever-changing. If you can manifest the growth you want to take place then it can occur in your life by walking by faith and not by sight. Don't ever allow what you cant see to diminish you from believing in your own personal growth. The best reference that helps me refer to how I envision growth taking place is the process of an olive harvesting. Steve Albert stated that "olives come to harvest in late autumn and winter about six months after flowering." When we think of the olive harvesting what must this potential tree receive in order to receive the best-maximized results? Water. When olives are watered regularly and properly, they establish more quickly. By comparing our lives to the watering of an olive tree, the manifestation we profess is the water to the growth we want to take place. Without manifestation there is no growth and without water olives, will not grow properly. Not only is watering important for olives but feeding and pruning also play a role in the result of how well olives will grow. Olives are fed garden compost to maximize fruit growth and pruning involves cutting sucker or lower branches to encourage an open-centered tree.  Similar to our lives, what we feed ourselves both literally and figuratively will result in the way we feel. There will come a time in our life where we must examine who it is we are, who we surround ourselves with, and the things we give our energy to and refer to that as being the cause for minimal growth. Not everyone will understand your journey of growth; which is okay; it isn't for them to understand. We must not allow what someone else cant see in us to deter us from growing. Sometimes people will only see you for who you were, not for who you're becoming and who you ultimately have the potential to be. 
3 Things You Can Do to Boost Your Company's Growth | Inc.com

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