Thursday, June 1, 2023

Lessons Before the Test

 They say life is a blessing, but it’s also your greatest lesson. The thing with life is you’ll receive the test way before the lesson. That’s the truth so embrace it. Embrace it not because the truth is inevitable, but because there is joy in acceptance. I like to say that acceptance gives you the power to evolve into something greater. Acceptance allows you to take back your power in the choices or decisions you may not be too pleased with. Sometimes we find ourselves staying stuck in the lesson of life when the truth is you should embrace it, not because it’s taught you something, but because it’s preparation. Each lesson before the test is preparation for your higher self. What doesn’t make sense in that exact moment eventually becomes crystal clear when the time is right. That’s the truth so embrace it, not because it’s the truth, but because I’m you and by the view of a few, no one can argue that we are any different. Although we may share many things in common, the most important one is life as it comes, and embracing any truths of its lessons. 

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